目前分類:六季香茶坊商品 (3)

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2012年春茶已上市 (木柵正欉鐵觀音&特製冷凍茶) 歡迎喜愛茶的茶友們上山來品嘗選購,順便欣賞山中美景! 也歡迎來電訂購 (02)2939-0795  茶葉皆純手工採收,產量有限。

2012 spring tea has been out for sale! Mu-cha true brand Tie Kuan Yin Oolong Tea & Exclusive Frozen Oolong Tea are available now. Please come to our tea house to experience the flavors of tea and the beautiful scenery! You are also welcome to call (02)2939-0795 to order. All teas were hand-made, limited volume available.

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